"Beyond doubt it has been the most exciting project I've ever worked on. And so far it has been the closest of all the games I've been involved with (including Populous) that is to becoming what was in my imagination at the start of the project. I think it will be the most amazing game ever!"
-Peter Molyneux
The thing that has me most excited about this game, and has me anticipating it, is that I think Peter Molyneux and
Lionhead Studios aren't going to settle for anything less than what they see as the best game that's ever been made.
Everyone working at Lionhead loves to play games and wants to make a great game that they're going to love to play.
That's not necessarily a new concept in the gaming industry. What is important is Lionhead's approach to game creation.
Lionhead's plan was to first produce a simple version of the game to test the gameplay. No flashy graphics or intricate
animations; just a simple, working version where they could spend countless hours PLAYING the game, modifying it, testing
it, experimenting with it, and making it a great game to PLAY. Then the game is handed over to the artists who transform
the bare-bones version of the game into a work of stunning visual artistry, after which Lionhead once again spends
hundreds of hours testing, playing, and perfecting the game.
The other HUGE draw for this game is that it will truly be a new critter amongst thousands of games that will be released
the same year. With numerous first person shooters, real time strategy games, simulations, and role playing games, Black
& White will stand out, alone, in its own eclectic little category. It's a game about YOU, where the goal and aims of the
designers are to immerse you in a world that changes, evolves, and customizes itself to the way you play and the type of
person you are.
-Joe Ewbank