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Long tournaments and cool prizes will follow the release of Wartorn.

Multiplayer will be very flexible. IPX, TCP/IP, LAN, Direct Connect are all supported, as well as some huge servers on the Internet provided by either Impact or Eyst, which will be similar to Battle.net from Blizzard. 32 different teams to choose from will definitely add to the diversity of multiplayer, some people will find the country that has their favorite ability, and others will patriotically stick to their own country. Co-op and some other yet to be announced games will be included, and you always have your choice of what level to play in out of the 32 available. If you are the insanely competitive type, Eyst is planning to hold large tournaments on their servers, giving out prizes to all of the winners. "I think the idea of deciding exactly what options to have on or off for a whole tournament will allow like minded players to really get stuck into the whole spirit of WarTorn."

A non-interactive demo should be released at the end of July and a playable demo or whole version should be out by the 3rd quarter. WarTorn is about giving the player nearly endless freedom, yet still being easy to pick up and play. Customizing each unit to fit your needs, and being able to change it at any time, conserving fuel and ammo, and the formation editor are all things I can't wait to try out. I dig the story, and I thank whoever thought it up for breaking the stagnant mold of good vs. evil. Playing war for your country will be a thrill; hopefully their abilities will be carefully balanced. This is an ambitious game, and I hope that Eyst can fit all of their ideas into the final product. If there is something you don't like in WarTorn, it's more than likely that you can either turn it off or customize it.

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